If your cellular or pleated shade is hanging crooked and manufactured before 2019. Please use the below instructions.
If your shade was manufactured in 2019 to current, please click here for proper adjustment steps.
1. Use a carpenter’s level to make sure the brackets, window, and mounting surface are level.
2. For Single Channel or 2 Button remotes: proceed to complete Steps 3-7.
For Multi-Channel Remote: complete Steps 8-13

3. If your remote controls only one shade, proceed to Step 4.
If your remote currently controls a group of shades, you’ll first need to target the specific shade.- On the remote, press and release the program button on the back.
The remote LED will flash green. - On the shade you want to adjust, press and hold the program button for 3 seconds.
The shade LED will flash green and the shade will jog.
4. On the remote, press and release the DOWN button. Wait until the shade reaches its preset lower limit.
5. Press and hold the UP and DOWN buttons at the same time for 3 seconds. When the remote LED turns amber, release both buttons.
The shade will jog.6. Holding the DOWN button, allow the shade to travel beyond its programmed lower limit; the shade will overextend and may start to raise. Note: If the bottomrail rests at a window sill, it will be necessary to pull it away from the window so that the bottom rail does not rest on the sill while it is in motion.
7. Using the UP button, bring the shade back to its intended lower limit.
Press and hold the UP and DOWN buttons at the same time for 3 seconds. When the remote LED turns amber, release both buttons. The shade will jog.

8. On the remote, press and hold the MENU/RIGHT button for 2 seconds to enter the menu.
9. Select SHADE > LIMITS.
10. To proceed past the warning message, press and hold the MENU/RIGHT button for 2 seconds.
Scroll left and right to select the shade you want to adjust the lower limit for.
11. Scroll to LOWER, then press and hold the MENU/RIGHT button for 2 seconds.
If the shade isn't already at the current upper limit, it will move to that position. If the shade is already at the current lower limit, it will jog12. Holding the DOWN button, allow the shade to travel beyond its programmed lower limit; the shade will overextend and may start to raise. Note: If the bottomrail rests at a window sill, it will be necessary to pull it away from the window so that the bottom rail does not rest on the sill while it is in motion.
13. Using the UP button, bring the shade back to its intended lower limit.
Press and release the MENU/RIGHT button to set the lower limit. The shade will jog.
14. Remove one endcap from the bottomrail.
15. Slide aluminum slat from bottomrail. Placing a piece of tape on the end of the aluminum slat makes it easier to slide.
16. Locate cord on the side of the shade that is lower. While holding cord, push on bottomrail securing cord with a Spring Clamp (see Tools Needed).
17. Mark cord with pen to indicate new location for cinch button.
18. Wrap cord up through top left finger opening, down back and through bottom left finger opening.
19. Wrap cord up through second top finger opening, down back and through bottom right finger opening.
20. Wrap cord up and through top right finger opening, around backside, ending with the cord coming out of the third top finger opening.
21. Snap cinch button into bottomrail.
22. Once shade is level, replace aluminum slat and endcap being careful not to dent slat. Hint: Placing a piece of tape on end of slat makes it easier to slide back in.
23. Test shade by raising and lowering several times. Readjust cord as needed if not level.